Today a year ago that Baloo went. On July 24 las year in te morning we've found dead our Baloo. As I said, he was 14 years and 4 months, he played down.But while it may seem a lie, we made him miss. No quiero pensar en él, porque tal como me esta ocurriendo ahora, cuando me acuerdo de él me pongo muy triste y me empiezan a caer las lágrimas.Quizás mucha gente no entienda como se puede sentir uno así por un perro. Esa gente para mí no es importante, no ha compartido su vida con un perro, aunque lo tengan. Si no sientes algo cuando ya no esta a tu lado, es que sólo has tenido al perro como un objeto más de esos que se coleccionan o porque era la moda de tener una mascota.
Just when I was doing a picture of where this buried Baloo, I found this nest,DEBAJO DE LAS MADERAS ES DONDE ESTA NUESTRO BALOO (BELOW tHE WOOD IS BURIER IS BURIED OUR BALOO)
I can not to think in it, because as I am making now, whem I think to him, I beginning to cry. Maybe many people do not understand how can feel like this for a dog. Those people for me is not important, these people had not shared her life with a dog, although they have one. If you don't feel when he isn't at your side, is that only you had the dog as an object of those who collect or because or because it was fashionable to have a pet.
Me acuerdo exactamente de ese día, de la llamada de Chris al decírmelo. De cogerlo al medio día y llevárnoslo al campo para enterrarlo ya que era el sitio que más le gustaba a nuestro Baloo.
I remember exactly that day, Chris called to tell me. Of to catch a midday at Baloo and go to the field to bury, because it was the place he likes to Baloo.
Justo cuando estaba haciendo una foto del lugar donde esta enterrado Baloo, me encontré con este avispero.ESTE ES EL ÁRBOL DONDE JUSTO AL LADO ESTA BALOO
Just when I was doing a picture of where this buried Baloo, I found this nest,DEBAJO DE LAS MADERAS ES DONDE ESTA NUESTRO BALOO (BELOW tHE WOOD IS BURIER IS BURIED OUR BALOO)
Lo curioso y bonito ha sido encontrarme estas mariposas cuando he acabado de hacer las fotos anteriores.
The curious and beautiful has been to find this butterflies when I finished taking pictures earlier.
Lo que me ha costado poner unas palabras en recuerdo de él........ Como ya dije cuando nos dejó, simpre estará en nuestro corazón y en nuestro pensamiento.
What has cost me put some words in remembrance of him............ As I said when he left us, always be in our hearts and our thoughts.
What has cost me put some words in remembrance of him............ As I said when he left us, always be in our hearts and our thoughts.
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